Amwell consultation feedback

Feedback from our Amwell/Scania House consultation

Friday, 15 September 2023

Thank you to everyone who took the trouble to attend our consultation event or send us feedback digitally about the proposals for Amwell/Scania House.

We were able to share images of the plans as well as an interactive 3D model. To view the plans, click here.

We had lots of positive responses and very helpful questions about the proposals. We’re sharing a summary of our follow up on these topics:

During the consultation, we had a few questions about the style and how we plan to blend with the surrounding area.

We have had to design these buildings very sensitively and with a good balance, as they will sit opposite more modern style properties (e.g. Morrisons and the Tower Heights block) but also alongside more historic buildings (e.g. St Catherines and St Pauls Church).

We’ve structured the building heights and angles to prevent the structure being overbearing and to give the appearance of being a series of buildings, mimicking the lines to blend in with more traditional high street.

But the design also uses clean lines, tall windows and subtle detailing to give an up-to-date feel, with changes in brickwork to add visual interest.

We felt that it was very important to increase the amount of green space on compared with the existing site, improve local biodiversity / habitats, and the street appearance.

So, we have:

  • Moved the parking to the back, improving the view from the street and allowing us to plant more trees and shrubs around the perimeter. The new trees to be planted along Amwell Street will be in keeping with the existing tree species.
  • Included a communal garden area for residents on the western boundary.
  • Proposed a landscaped podium courtyard on the first floor with informal seating areas and raised planters for shrubs, planting and vegetation.
  • An outdoor amenity space of the office workers on the ground floor.

During the consultation, we were asked if we would consider placing solar panels on these buildings.

The Borough’s recently released energy and sustainability strategy indicates that this scheme would benefit from 20 x solar panels.

So, we may be propose fitting these on the roof of both block A and B (10 on each).

We want these to be comfortable homes, so to reduce any noise from the roundabout, we don’t have any residential properties on the ground floor.

Also, we will use acoustic glazing to dampen any traffic noise.

Our designs will also include “winter gardens” for residents facing the Dinant Link roundabout.

These are balcony areas enclosed by glass panels, which can be opened out to enjoy as an outdoor seating area or pulled closed to shield from wet weather, road noise or more.

This one wouldn't be our decision.

The roads outside the development are under the authority of the County Council and Highways, so any new crossing would have to be recommended and built by these teams.

There is a pedestrian crossing approx.. 150m away from the site and an underpass to the north.

The new buildings will increase natural surveillance of the paths and underpass, helping pedestrians feel more secure.

We were asked about placing a new crossing between the development and Morrisons.

This could be difficult to do due to the height difference on either side of the road.

It could be potentially dangerous to place a new crossing too close to the roundabout, which is very busy.

As part of the planning application, we consult with Highways so these factors would be considered by them.

We always want to keep disruption to a minimum and will do our best to achieve this.

We have consulted with Herts County Council and Highways so they can flag any concerns regarding traffic management.

We will also produce a Construction Traffic Management Plan to ensure we reduce disruption where possible.

Unfortunately, because of the nature of the works there will be occasions when we need to close the road temporarily or put temporary traffic management measures in place.

But this should be at a low level and we’ll reduce this where we can.


We have submitted our proposals (with revisions following feedback) for planning permission.

When we hear back, we’ll share an update with our neighbours.