Neighbourhood issues

Brewery Road

22 new homes for people over 55 - Hoddesdon


  • Tenures: affordable rent
  • Properties: 1 and 2 bedroom flats
  • Developer: Jarvis Group
  • Architect: Derick Wade Waters
  • Funders: Homes England
  • Local authority: Broxbourne Borough Council



Site completed: Spring-Summer 2021




Brewery Road was a land-led redevelopment, designed to suit local people as they get older and make downsizing more appealing. 

A few steps from Hoddesdon's high street, the 22 new homes offered a viable option for people over 55s where they could take advantage of the convenient location and a generous, but more manageable, living space. In line with B3Living's strategic goal of supporting our customers when their lives change, Brewery Road includes lift access and several properties included adaptable bathrooms suitable for wet room conversions.

Working with the local authority, a design was created that tied Brewery Road into the town centre, drawing on local history. 

Once home to the Christie & Co. brewery, the architecture of our new development pays homage to local heritage, replacing unsightly and unused office buildings. Arched features and deep windows reveals act as a nod to early industrial design, tying Brewery Road into the style of the surrounding area.

The project includes 250 sq.m. of prime-location commercial space, bringing in new businesses to boost the high street.


This site is one of four B3Living land-led projects that delivering 145 new properties in the centre of Hoddesdon. Median house prices in the Borough of Broxbourne are rising over £355,000, so we are working hard to address the need for affordable homes, especially the shortage of one - three bedroom properties.

Before & plans





B3Living investment


affordable rent homes


Homes England funding