Job vacancies


  • Tenures: affordable rent, shared ownership
  • Properties: 1 and 2 bedroom flats, 2 and 3 bedroom houses
  • Developer: Taylor Wimpey
  • Local authority: Broxbourne Borough Council



Completed: Summer 2022




These homes form part of the High Leigh Garden Village. As a whole the site will include over 500 new homes, primary schools, a new hotel and allotments.

Phase One of the High Leigh development has helped 20 families, otherwise priced out by steep house prices, to access a home within easy access of vital amenities. Taking advantage of the easy walking distance to local schools and shops, High Leigh’s residents will be able to support the local businesses on Hoddesdon’s thriving high street.

Recent research commissioned by B3Living revealed high numbers of single people and single-parent households unable to find a home they can afford within Borough of Broxbourne. With its 16 one- and two-bedroom homes, High Leigh will help to address this demand, as well as helping an additional four local families onto the property ladder for the first time through the shared ownership scheme.


affordable rent homes


B3Living investment


shared ownership homes