Grass cutting service update 2024

Grass cutting service update 2024

Wednesday, 05 June 2024

We're really sorry about the recent issues with our grass cutting service. It hasn’t been up to the standard that you (or we) expect and you deserve.

We know how important it is to you to keep communal gardens and grass areas around your estate looking their best, and we hoped this year would be different with our contractor from the last. We’re genuinely sorry for our part in this and where we’ve fallen short. Resolving this issue is a top priority for us.

We’re taking several steps to fix this as quickly as we can. Thank you for bearing with us while we get this service back on track.



Here's what we're doing:

Challenges we're facing

We want to be open about the challenges we’re dealing with. Sometimes we’ve been told a site was done, only to find out from our customers that it wasn’t. Our current contractor has been hard to reach and hasn’t attended meetings. Plus, the recent wet weather has made the grass grow even faster, which hasn’t helped.

The standard you should be getting

We’re not doing "No Mow May." You should expect regular and thorough grass cutting to keep things neat and tidy. Your grass shouldn’t get any longer than 6cm (gardens) and 30cm (verges) before it's cut.

What we'd be grateful for

We’d really appreciate your help and cooperation. Please be our eyes and ears and report any issues you notice with the grass cutting service. Log any complaints directly with us. Also, let us know if you’d like to be part of our upcoming consultation on the future of the grass cutting service.

Take a look at our FAQ's to find out more.