Our service standards say we’ll always…
- Tell you how we’re performing – and see what you think.
- Make sure everyone has equal access to our services and is treated fairly.
- Provide more homes to people waiting on the council register and more homes that people can buy through the shared ownership scheme.
How we did...
customers felt we listened
people over 55 supported by our Independent Living services
families helped to find a new home
You said, we did…
We want these scores to improve, so next year we will:

Use our new Customer Coach to help customers struggling to get the support they need.

Reach out to customers we haven’t heard from in a while. We’ll check if they need any support and if there’s a reason they can’t access our services.

Recruit more members to our Customer Community, who input into our decisions.

Start using the Government’s new Tenant Satisfaction Measures to make our performance more visible to you.