What is 'Together with Tenants'?
You might of heard of our 'Customer Community', which is all about giving our customers a voice. But in January 2021, we signed up to a new intiative as part of the social housing white paper called 'Together with Tenants'. The paper sets out what actions we need to take to make sure our customers are safe, live in good quality homes and have a voice when things go wrong.
Together with Tenants is designed to help us strengethen and improve our relationship with you, our customers.
If you have any thoughts about how we're performing on the commitments below, we would love to hear it.

We treat all our customers with respect, have open and honest conversations, and are clear on what we can and can’t do.
Customers receive clear, accessible and relevant information on the issues that matter to them, including important information about their homes and local community. Looking at how we are working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about our performance.
Voice & influence
We will ask customers what they want from us and will use this information to make decisions. Every individual customer will feel listened to on the issues that matter and can speak without fear.
Our customers, who are part of our Customer Community, are able to work with us and hold us to account for the decisions that affect the quality of their homes and services.
Customers can expect their homes to be safe, well maintained and managed.
When things go wrong...
Customers will have simple, straightforward ways of making complaints, and will receive support and advice when things go wrong.