For our 2019/2020 Customer Annual Report we did a complete revamp with the intention to shorten it, make it more engaging, and more customer focused.
But before we wrote the 2020-21 report, we wanted some feedback from our customers to assess whether there was anything they would like us to do differently.
The aim of the focus group was to consider:
- The content – evaluating the metrics used, considering if all information was relevant and if there was anything missing. What is useful/engaging?
- The format – looking at whether they preferred reading this information online/print or another method. Is it easy to read? What do you think of the style?
How we got our feedback
A focus group of B3Living customers
May - July 2021
Online consultations
What we learned from our focus group:
- The shorter report is preferred.
- It needs to be bolder with more pictures and visuals to suit different age groups.
- Too much information on each page and not easy to follow in places.
- We need to consider more around accessibility e.g. languages, visual impairments etc.
- All metrics were valuable and important, and all needed to stay.
- We need more information around reports of crime, ASB and domestic abuse and how we are handling it – a larger section is needed for this.
- We need to report more information around ‘getting on the ladder’ and a clearer representation on how much was spent on building new homes.
- Prefer the printed version and like that it was sent out with a customer magazine. However, asked if we could keep costs down by creating an online version internally/within our new website.
(pdf 1.8MB)
So, what we did...
- We’ve kept it short with more visuals, clearer format and made it bolder.
- We have kept all metrics and grouped it in a way that makes it clearer for our customers.
- In the interest of keeping the report short, we are building more information into our new website for crime, ASB, domestic abuse and getting on the ladder.
- We have broken down how much was spent on building both affordable homes and social rent housing.
- To keep costs low, we are building a digital version of the report into our website which will also work with our new accessibility features e.g dyslexia, visual impairment, languages.

Following up...
In our second focus group, customers spoke to our Board and reviewed:
- Whether they felt we met those changes from the first focus group
- What they felt about our performance this year
- What we need to consider for next year’s report
What we learned from our second focus group in summary:
- Customers were satisfied with our performance this year and felt we had met the changes requested in the first focus group and improved from last years report.
- The report was straightforward and easy to understand.
- Customers would like more information around responsibilities – whether this be B3Living, theirs, or the council.
- Customers would like more information about our green initiative, and what we are doing to support this.
- We need to be more open and encouraging for those that need support to get in touch.
- We need to consider more around the percentages that were dissatisfied and how we are supporting those customers.
- We need more information that’s individual to leaseholders.
- Customers would like more representatives at Board/Exec level that better represent our customerrs.
How we are responding to your feedback...
Our Board is eager to hear feedback from our customers to help us look at new ways of improving and making changes for the better. We also echo that it is very important that our Exec/Board better represent our customers, and are very pleased to have made a start by welcoming two new members from underrepresented groups such as the black minority and ethnic community this year.
We will also be taking on all of the feedback and in next years report will be including:
- Green initiatives - we are investing in our homes to improve their energy efficiency and make them more sustainable. We are committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050 which you can read more about in our strategy.
- Being more open for support - we encourage our customers to contact us about any support they may need. We have a wealth of knowledge and can help to signpost them to the right place. This is something we will continue to communicate with our customers throughout the year.
- Looking more at dissatisfaction percentages - we currently have a working group that analyses dissatisfaction scores from our customers. We are looking at new ways to improve those areas and regularly meet to discuss how we will implement those changes across B3.
- Tailoring leaseholder information - We are looking at new ways to present next year's annual report to tailor key information for our leaseholders.
The common feedback we received about responsibilities is something we are looking at more widely and would like to include in our new website. We will feedback to our customers and consult on this with them to make sure we get this right.