In April, we reviewed our garage policy and have updated it.
This is to help improve the way we allocate and let our garages.
The revised policy will apply to all current, existing, and new garage
Existing garage customers:
If you already rent a garage from us, it's important you're aware of this update to our policy.
Your continued rental of the garage from April 2024, constitutes acceptance
of the updated Garage Allocations and Lettings Policy.
Please see key information below.
Acceptable Garage Use:
Customers shall not be permitted to use the garage or the land surrounding the
garage for the following purposes including, but not limited to:
1. The operation of a business or charity
2. Displays of advertising
3. Residential use (including temporary overnight/daytime accommodation)
4. Accommodation for animals
5. Repairs, servicing, modifying, or re-spraying any vehicle (minor routine
maintenance of the nominated motor vehicle may be carried out)
6. The use of power tools and/or any equipment requiring a flame (whether
protected of not)
7. The storage of combustible or volatile substances other than those within the
fuel tank or mechanisms of the motor vehicle kept in the garage.
8. Any criminal, immoral or illegal purposes
9. The customer shall not be permitted to make any structural alterations to the
10. Cause a nuisance or annoyance to the residents in the local area.
11. The customer shall not be permitted to assign, sub-let, or part with the
possession of the garage.
Garage Allocation:
1. Garages are allocated on a first come first served basis there is no waiting list.
2. Applications are welcome from B3Living Customers and non B3Living
3. Applicants who hold 2 garage licences will not be selected for additional
garages unless there is a low demand.
4. Prior to an offer of a garage being made to B3Living customers, checks to
ensure that the applicant has no outstanding rent balance will be made. If an
applicant has a debt, they will be given the opportunity to clear the debt and
if this is done within 7 days a formal offer of the garage will be made.
5. Once a garage offer has been made, B3Living will reserve the garage for 24
hours to provide the applicant the opportunity to view the area and carry out
an external inspection of the garage.
6. B3Living do not issue keys to access the garage before sign-up completion.
7. Where an offer is made and accepted, the customer will be required to
provide the following at sign up.
-Two forms of identification and address
-4 weeks rent in advance.
-Complete a Direct Debit mandate.
Repairs & Maintenance:
1. Repairs to garages will be carried out in line with B3Living Repairs Policy.
2. Repairs that fall beyond the scope of normal wear or tear or that are a result
of vandalism, neglect or misuse will be recharged to the customer in line with
B3Living Recharge Policy.
3. Where major repairs need to be carried out, B3Living will provide customers
with a minimum of one week’s notice for access. If the garage cannot be
used for the duration of any works B3Living will endeavour to offer an
alternative garage for the duration of the works. Where it is not deemed to be
financially viable to carry out the repairs, customers will be offered the
opportunity to permanently move to an alternative garage or be placed on
the waiting list.
4. B3Living is unable to guarantee the garages to be watertight.
5. B3Living will not be held liable in respect of loss or damage to any property
brought into the garage.
6. Customers are expected to take out adequate insurance to cover their
property and belongings.
Rent Charges:
1. All garage rents are charged weekly, but 4 weeks must be paid in advance.
The customer must pay their garage rent by direct debit.
2. Garage rents may increase in April each year subject to 4 weeks’ notice
being given.
3. Where we identify potential arrears or failed payments, we will contact
customers and clarify the situation, our expectations, and their options as
soon as possible. Where a Direct Debit was previously set up, we will look to
reinstate this for future payments. Failure to keep to an agreed payment plan
may result in notice being served.
4. Where customers have a failed direct debit and has fallen into arrears, this will
trigger a formal collection and termination procedure.
Terminations By B3Living:
B3Living will not normally seek to end a garage licence unless there has been a
breach, or there is no succession.
A Notice to Quit (NTQ) may be served in the following situations:
► Arrears on a Garage licence
► When there is a breach of licence conditions
► Garage not used to acceptable purposes.
► Sub-letting
► B3Living requires possession for demolition.
► Where a customer has died
► B3Living customer has property arrears, irrespective if garage rent account is
up to date.
Garages are not categorised as dwellings, the legal agreement has no security on
tenure, the agreement can be ended by giving one weeks written note to quit.
Terminations By Customers (Licensee)
Customers who wish to end the licence of a garage should do so by giving B3Living
seven days written notice.
If the customer does not return the garage keys by 12 noon on the last day of
notice, a further weeks’ rent may be charged to the rent account.
The customer must leave the garage in a clean and tidy condition and, when it is
handed back, any rubbish and/or items that are no longer required must have been
removed from the garage. Failure to clear the garage may result in the licensee
being charged for the clearance of items.
Upon termination of garage licence, customers are expected to return 2 garage
keys to B3Living. B3Living will recharge the customer for a garage lock change
should they not be able to provide B3Living with 2 keys for the garage.
Demolition of Plots & Development:
B3Living may serve notice if major works are required to the garage site, or it is
decided to redevelop, dispose of, or change its use of the site.
In such instances, B3Living will serve at least 4 weeks’ notice and offer an alternative
garage if there is one available.
Have some questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us on / 01992 453 700 Option 7 or speak to a member of
the team via our Live Chat.
I'd like to rent a garage
If you'd like to rent one of our garages, you can look at our available garages by clicking on the link below.