Money advice

New tenant guide


Money problems won't get better on their own, but it's not all on you. There's lots of support out there. Confidential, no judgement - just advice on how to get things back on track. All you need to decide today is who you'd prefer to talk to.

You have two options:

  1. Contact one of the specialists below
  2. Ask us. Hundreds of B3Living customers contact us for support, so we can point you in the right direction or put you in touch with services you might not have known were out there.

Talking about money isn't the easiest. But a few minutes of feeling awkward could save you months of stress and anxiety, and all these services are here to help you with sensitivity and respect.



Option 1: find support for...

  • Step Change offers free, confidential debt advice that is based on a comprehensive assessment of your situation. Call 0800 138 1111.
  • National Debtline is a free and confidential debt advice charity run by the Money Advice Trust. Call 0808 808 4000.
  • Stop Loan Sharks will keep you safe. They will investigate and put people who are lending money illegally in prison. Call 0300 555 2222.


  • HertSavers Credit Union If you live or work in Hertfordshire, HertSavers Credit Union can offer you safe loans and good ways to save money. They are a financial co-operative, owned and controlled by its members with any profits made given back to its membership. Call 0208 756 3868.
  • Herts Help are a network of community organisations in Hertfordshire working together. They're there to listen and help you find independent support, guidance and information you need to get the most out of life. Call on 0300 123 4044 or email 

  • The Citizens Advice Service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. These include among others; benefits, work, debt, money and financial management, relationships, housing, legal and consumer rights. Call 0808 278 7915. 
  • The Government website is full of useful information about benefits. You can find out whether you're eligible and apply online. 

See our benefits section for more information.

As a B3Living customer, you can get support from our local Citizen's Advice service. We provide funding so you can help with: 

  • Free financial help and advice
  • Budgeting advice 
  • Help with getting the right benefits
  • Advice on changes to welfare benefits
  • Help with managing debt
  • Help with setting up bank accounts, savings and credit unions

Call for free 0808 278 7915.

Option 2: ask us

Worried about money?

Having worries about money is a tough position to be in, but there are things we can offer to help. Please let us know about what you're dealing with. (You can tell us as much or as little as you want.)

Prefer to talk on the phone? We're here from 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri on...

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