We’re taking over as your landlord from the Orbit Group. There’s more on why below.
Here are the key dates:
Consultation with you:
- Initial consultation - March 2024
- Final consultation opens - 30 Sept 2024
- Final consultation closes - 14 Oct 2024
Handover period*: Mon 4 Nov - Sun 10 Nov
*This means we haven't officially taken over yet, but we'll start handling any new requests. Orbit will finish anything they're already working on.
Switchover day: Mon 11 Nov
Things you need to know now
Your current landlord, Orbit, felt that switching to B3Living will maintain or improve service delivery to you and our other customers living in your local area.
We’re a similar not-for-profit landlord to Orbit. But we're the closest landlord in your area.
We’re local, around 15-25 mins down the road. So, we hope the change brings positive outcomes for you.
You shouldn’t notice too many changes.
The only things you’ll need to do are:
- Switch the contact details for your landlord in your phone to 01992 453700.
- Start logging things with B3Living instead of Orbit (like repairs or neighbour issues).
- Register for our myB3Living app.
- Stop paying rent/service charges to Orbit after 10 Nov.
- Set up your rent/service charges payments so they go to us. Click here for options.
- For tenants - help us to visit your home so we can check for any maintenance needs and get to know you. (We’ll be in touch about this soon.)
Got more questions?
Check out our full FAQs for all the details about how the switchover will affect you.

All the things you need to know